We are happy to have partnered with Tree-Nation's organisation to plant trees on your behalf, for every product sold, we will pave the way toward reforestation.
Red Jasper Chakra: Root
Red Jasper Element: Earth
Red Jasper zodiac: Scorpio, Libra
Red Jasper Affirmation: I am filled with the strength to heal my mind, body and spirit.
Red Jasper is an ancient and sacred stone that has deep connections within mother earth.
Red Jasper promotes a sense of justice and helps you stand up for what is right.
Red Jasper increases libido, promotes fertility and provides support for those recovering from an injury or illness.
Red Jasper enhances memory and dream recollection.
Red Jasper imparts courage, resilience and strength during times of stress.
Red Jasper provides comfort, security, strength and healing.
Red Jasper is gently stimulating. It grounds energy and is an excellent "worry stone" as it calms emotions. Red Jasper has a strong and even vibration, that works slowly and gradually, it stimulates increased energy, strength and stamina.
**All crystal healing information provided here is intended for spiritual guidance only. Crystal healing is not intended to be a substitute for conventional medicine. **
Learn about the Metaphysical healing properties of Red Jasper here.